Case Studies
Mass Timber Business Case Studies
本案例研究系列旨在填补与美国财务绩效相关的可用信息的空白.S. 在各种产品子类型的建筑物中使用大量木结构系统建造的性能. Using transparent quantitative data, 10个案例研究中的每一个都分析了大量木材如何创造价值,并提供了成功的定性概述, challenges, and lessons learned from the developer/owner perspective.
该系列是与康拉德投资管理公司(Conrad Investment Management)合作制作的,如果没有分享数据的开发商/业主的支持,就不可能完成. WoodWorks非常感谢这些公司和个人支持我们的努力,以促进对大规模木材如何成为投资者有用工具的更深入理解, occupants, and the community.
Case Studies At-a-Glance
皇冠2登录welcome案例研究包分析了大量木材如何在各种属性子类型中创造价值, including multi-family for-rent and for-sale products, student housing, and institutional office. Each case study includes the following sections:
Development overview provides background, including:
- Property information
- Product strategy
- Investment highlights
Qualitative summary from developer/owner perspective, including:
- Challenges
- Lessons learned
- Successes
Quantitative overview compares realized, pro forma, and local market data, including:
- Costs
- Rents/sales
- Lease-up
- Returns
Market context provides a local market snapshot, including:
- Submarket description
- Major employers/industries
Initial Findings
Multi-family/residential: Residents respond to “look & feel”
- Aesthetics seem to be broadly appealing
- Robust pre-leasing
- Tangible distinction
- Tangible realization of desired brand identities
Office: Attractive for myriad of reasons
- Most tenants are “creditworthy”
- Desire intangible stakeholder benefits
- Tend to see impressive pre-leasing
Ascent | INTRO | The Canyons |
Property Type: For-Rent Housing |
Property Type: For-Rent Housing |
Property Type: For-Rent Housing |
Location: Milwaukee, WI Size: 259 apartments; 493,000 gsf (incl. 273,000 sf mass timber) Completed: July & August 2022 Developer: New Land Enterprises Development Partner: Wiechmann Enterprises | Location: Cleveland, OH Size: 297 apartments; 512,000 gsf Completed: February 2022 Developer: Harbor Bay Ventures | Location: Portland, OR Size: 70 apartments over six retail suites; 113,314 gsf Completed: November 2020 Developer: Kaiser Group Development Partner: Hoosiers Corporation, Japan |
Currently the world’s tallest timber tower, Ascent由19层的大型木材豪华住宅单元组成,位于六层的地上停车场平台上. 大量的木材被选择作为这个开发的区别,它取得了惊人的预租. |
INTRO Cleveland是一个多功能开发项目,拥有700人的活动空间, ground floor retail, 在克利夫兰最受欢迎的社区,公寓和城市中最好的配套设施将生活水平提升到了一个新的水平. 该开发项目以可观的溢价实现了无与伦比的租赁速度. |
Featuring universal design plus concierge services and other amenities, 峡谷是一栋六层公寓楼,面向活跃的老年人和年轻居民. 峡谷在以设计为导向的子市场中获得了溢价租金,并被可行的租户占据. |
Barracuda Condos | Timber Lofts |
Property Type: For-Sale Housing | Property Type: Redevelopment/Additions | Property Type: Purpose-Built/Owner-Occupied (Student Housing/Dorms) |
Location: Madison, WI Size: 19 residential condos + two office units; 42,000 gsf Completed: August 2020 Developer: Populance | Location: Milwaukee, WI Size: 60 apartments; 68,400 gsf (27 apartments; 35,400 gsf added) Completed: 2020 Developer: Pieper Properties | Location: Fayetteville, AR Size: 202,491 gsf Completed: 2019 Owner: University of Arkansas |
Barracuda condo是一栋七层的建筑,有五层公寓,两层办公室和 停车场. Buyers loved the location, warm timber ceilings, and kitchen/appliances, and 75% of the units were sold at the start of construction. | 为了与历史悠久的砖木框架啤酒厂建筑相协调,建筑师选择了大量木材作为新建筑的补充部分。重建项目以市场最高的租金快速租赁, 虽然它的价值继续创造积极的经济“溢出”效应,有助于推动积极的势头和对次级市场/街道的看法. | Adohi Hall是全国第一个大型木结构的学生住宿开发项目, 这是大学规划可持续性和创新性的大胆展示. While utilizing mass timber came with a slight cost premium, 它被视为对该州木材行业的投资,也是为从学生到房地产行业的利益相关者创造价值的机会. |
1 De Haro | Clay Creative | District Office |
Property Type: Office | Property Type: Office | Property Type: Office |
Location: San Francisco, CA Size: 134,000 gsf Completed: April 2021 Developer: SKS Partners | Location: Portland, OR Size: 95,100 gsf Completed: Spring 2016 | Location: Portland, OR Size: 105,890 gsf Completed: February 2020 Developer: Urban Development + Partners; Beam Development |
For 1 De Haro, 一栋四层的建筑,混合了投机性的办公和轻工业空间, 最初选择木材作为解决土壤问题的轻量级解决方案. 裸露的木结构创造了一个真正的亲生物的内部,吸引了海湾地区的esg驱动的租户, and the project was fully leased at the beginning of construction. |
One of the earliest mass timber buildings in the U.S., Clay Creative的差异化设计体现了千禧一代的伦理和目标, creating value for its corporate tenants. 办公空间以最高的市场价格迅速出租,并出现了令人印象深刻的转租. |
District Office is a speculative office building, 由一位领先的大型木材建筑师设计,以反映他们公司的价值观,并吸引其他潜在的租户. Built on a foundation of high-quality materials and sustainable design, 该项目的目标是在为居住者创造价值的同时吸引忠实的租户, investors, and the community. |
The ICE Blocks |
Property Type: Office |
Location: Sacramento, CA Size: 170,000 gsf Completed: Spring 2018 Developer: Heller Pacific |
California’s first modern timber office building, ICE Blocks sought a similar look and feel to historic brick. and timber warehouses. 独特的内饰以极具竞争力的租金吸引了优质租户,并在建造过程中迅速租出去. |
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